Top Priorities

Affordable Housing

Nashville has seen a sharp rise in housing prices due to significant population growth. Many of us find ourselves struggling to find affordable housing options near our places of employment and community roots. As a metro council member, Sean would advocate for the creation of more affordable housing units for working families, providing tax incentives for developers to build affordable housing, and increasing funding for programs that help low-income residents find housing. However, Sean is not in favor of raising taxes on residents who've already suffered from round after round of property tax hikes.


Education is an extremely important issue for any community, and in Nashville, we need to be certain that we’re providing the best possible options for parents and students, regardless of their socioeconomic status. We need to prioritize funding for public schools, expand access to early childhood education, and provide resources to support teachers. In addition, Sean would promote access to apprenticeship and training programs for adults that seek a career path in skilled trades or other fields that don’t require a traditional college degree.

Criminal Justice Reform

Nashville spends an estimated $150 million per year on mass incarceration with no significant impact on crime on reduction. Sean believes in reforming our criminal justice system not just because it's the right thing to do, but also because it would make resources available for important city priorities, such as infrastructure, housing, and education. We must adopt policies that aim to reduce the number of people incarcerated, increase police accountability, end cash bail, and address issues of systemic racial bias. Sean would advocate for policies that keep our district safe while providing better outcomes for all of our citizens.

Local Business Support

Local businesses in District 1 are the lifeblood of our community. They create jobs, drive innovation, and provide a sense of culture and belonging. But, small businesses are facing increasing challenges from outside competition, including big-box stores, online retailers, and foreign corporations. We must do more to safeguard our local businesses from these challenges by promoting fair competition, investing in local suppliers, and awarding grants and financial assistance to local and minority own businesses.

Environmental Protection

District 1 is home to some of the most beautiful natural resources in the state, and we must do everything we can to preserve them for future generations. There are already 2 active landfills in our district with even more “closed” sites that have to be constantly monitored for negative environmental impact. Sean will never support additional dump sites in District 1 and will fiercely fight to keep our environment and ecosystems clean, safe, and thriving.