Sean Dailey for Metro Council District 1
On August 3rd Elect Sean to the Metro Council

"the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others" - Ghandi
Join the Movement for a Better District 1
Join Sean Dailey's campaign to improve the lives of all Nashvillians in District 1. Volunteer, donate, or spread the word to make a difference.
what I bring to the table
Experience. Passion. Commitment.
True leadership is not about being in charge. It's about taking charge and being dedicated to a cause that's greater than yourself. It's about inspiring others, leading by example, and never giving up. Sean is a dedicated leader who is willing to make sacrifices, put in the hard work, and lead with integrity and compassion. With dedication and leadership, anything is possible.

what I'm focused on
Issues that Matter
Sean is focused on improving public safety, creating more affordable housing, workforce development initiatives, and ensuring access to quality education for all. He also believes in protecting the environment and promoting economic development that reflects the needs of the community. Sean will work tirelessly to improve the lives of District 1 residents, ensuring that everyone has access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed.

About Sean
Sean is a native Nashvillian with a passion for public service and community development. He served in the Tennessee Army National Guard and has worked to improve the lives of his fellow Nashville residents for many years in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Now, he's running to represent District 1 in the Metro Council to bring about positive change and ensure a brighter future for all.
Born and raised in Nashville, TN
Graduated from Hillwood High School
Earned a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Tennessee Knoxville
Enlisted in the Tennessee Army National Guard
Attained a Master of Arts from Lipscomb University’s Nelson and Sue Andrews Institute for Civic Leadership
Has spent his career fighting for workforce development, community impact, and criminal justice reform